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Custom Add-Ons

Enhanced Data Extraction

Shufti Pro provides its customers with the facility of extracting enhanced data features using OCR technology. Now, instead of extracting just personal information input fields, Shufti Pro can fetch all the additional information comprising more than 100 data points from the official ID documents supporting 150 languages.


For example height, place_of_birth, nationality, marital_status, weight, etc. Shufti Pro is the first digital identity verification service that can fetch a huge bunch of information efficiently in mere seconds.This feature can be used with document and document_two services.


Additional charges are applicable for this feature.

fetch_enhanced_dataRequired: No
Type: string
Value Accepted: 1
Provide 1 for enabling enhanced data extraction for the document. Extracted data will be returned in object under the key additional_data in case of verification.accepted or verification.declined.
For Details on additional_data object go to Additional Data.

"fetch_enhanced_data" :"1"

Age Verification

Shufti Pro provides its clients with an option to configure the Age verification from within the API request. This service allows the acceptance of users within the specified age limits according to their DOB. The client can specify lower and upper limits and according to that, the user's age will be verified. In case, minimum and maximum values are not set, Shufti Pro will calculate and return Age according to the DOB. If DOB is not present on the document, the verification will decline as Age will not be verified
Age is an object or integer that can be used to set the lower and upper limit for the Age of the user according to DOB. It contains the following parameters. min is used to specify the lower limit whereas max is used to specify the upper limit.

ageRequired: No
Type: integer/array
Allowed values are integers or array.
Example: 18
minRequired: No
Type: integer
Minimum Value: 1
Allowed values are integers or array.
Example: 17
maxRequired: No
Type: integer
Maximum Value: 170
Allowed values are integers or array.
Example: 165
//Passing the value “18” in the age parameter means that, end-users of age 18 will stand verified.
"age" : 18

"age" : {
"min" : "17",
"max" : "165"