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Match Results

Shufti Pro displays the degree of correlation between the businesses details and the entries in AML databases matched with it, indicating the relevance of how close a match was found during the verification process.

name_exactMatched against the entity name exactly
aka_exactMatched against an entity AKA (also known as) entry exactly
name_fuzzyMatched closely to the name, but at least one word had an edit distance change
aka_fuzzyMatched closely to an AKA name, but at least one word had an edit distance change
phonetic_nameMatched against the entity name phonetically
phonetic_akaMatched against an entity AKA phonetically
equivalent_nameMatched against the entity name with a synonym, e.g., "Robert Mugabe" => "Bob Mugabe"
equivalent_akaMatched against an entity AKA with a synonym, e.g., "Robert Mugabe" => "Bob Mugabe"
unknownMatched for a more complex reason, such as based on an acronym
year_of_birthMatched the birth year as given in filters, can be the exact year of +-1 year regarding the fuzziness and options
removed_personal_titleA personal title, for example 'Mrs', was stripped from the search term
removed_personal_suffixA personal suffix, for example 'PhD', was stripped from the search term
removed_organisation_prefixAn organization prefix, for example 'JSC', was stripped from the search term
removed_organisation_suffixAn organization suffix, for example 'Ltd', was stripped from the search term
removed_clerical_markA clerical mark, for example 'DECEASED', was stripped from the search term