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Parameters and Description

To ensure successful verification in standard address verification, it is crucial for the client to provide complete and accurate address information in the full_address field of the request Object

proofRequired: No
Type: string
Image Format: JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF Maximum: 16MB
Video Format: MP4/MOV Maximum: 20MB
supported_typesRequired: No
Type: Array
Provide any one, two or more document types in proof parameter in Address verification service. For example, if you choose id_card and utility_bill, then the user will be able to verify data using either of these two documents. Please provide only one document type if you are providing proof of that document with the request. Following is the list of supported types for address verification is here.
Example 1 [ "utility_bill" ]
Example 2 [ "id_card", "bank_statement" ]
full_addressRequired: Yes
Type: string
Minimum: 6 characters
Maximum: 250 chracters
Allowed Characters are numbers, alphabets, dots, dashes, spaces, underscores, hashes and commas.
address_fuzzy_matchRequired: No
Type: string
Accepted Values: 0, 1
Default Value: 0
Provide 1 for enabling a fuzzy match for address verification. Enabling fuzzy matching attempts to find a match which is not 100% accurate. Default value will be 0, which means that only 100% accurate address will be verified.
issue_dateRequired: No
Type: string
Format: yyyy-mm-dd
Provide a valid date.
Example 2015-12-31
nameRequired: No
Type: object
In name object used in document service, first_name is required if you don't want to perform OCR of the name parameter. Other fields are optional.
Example 1 { "first_name" : "John", "last_name" : "Doe" }
Example 2 { "first_name" : "John", "last_name" : "Doe", "fuzzy_match" : "1"}
Parameters for name are listed here.
backside_proof_requiredRequired: No
Type: string
Accepted Values: 0, 1
Default Value: 0
If the value of this parameter is set to 1, Shufti Pro will require the end-user to capture/upload both sides of the document to verify the identity. Enabling this parameter will also activate the front and back sides document match feature, which will verify if captured/uploaded front and back sides belong to the same document.
verification_instructionsRequired: No
Type: Object
This key allows clients to provide additional instruction for the service (document, document_two and address service). Such as if the client wants to allow paper-based, photocopied or laminated documents for verification.
Example {"allow_paper_based" : "1"}
For more details on Instructions Parameters click here.
show_ocr_formRequired: No
Type: boolean
Accepted Values: 0, 1
default value: 1
The default value for this is 1. If this is set to 0, the user will not be shown the OCR form to validate the extracted information. This can be used within the Document, Document Two, and Address service. This value can also be applied to all services collectively. However, preference will be given to the value set within the service.

Note: Setting the value at 0 may cause data inaccuracy as the user does not have option to validate the extracted information.
verification_modeRequired: No
Type: string
Accepted Values: any, image_only, video_only
This key specifies the types of proofs that can be used for verification. In the "video_only" mode, Shufti Pro's client is restricted to submitting "Base64" encoded videos, which must be in the MP4 or MOV format. The "any" mode allows a combination of images and videos to be submitted as proofs for verification. If there is a conflict between the service level key and the general level key, priority is assigned to the service level key.


Standard Address Verification is the default address verification for clients onboarded after Sep 26, 2023. Clients who were onboarded before this date can continue to use the previous address verification process without any alterations.