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Offsite Integration

In the offsite verification process, Shufti Pro's clients are solely responsible for gathering all necessary proof from the end user and then submitting it to Shufti Pro for verification.

Enhanced Address Verification Offsite Request

For enhanced address verification, a valid identity document is required with the same address printed on it as the one claimed by the end-user. The address can also be verified with the help of Utility Bills and Bank Statements. The address document will be displayed or uploaded by end-user directly for verification.


To utilize the default functionality of enhanced address verification, simply send the parameter "enhanced_address_verification": "1". However, if you prefer a verification process with customised features, please use the provided payload below.

"address": {
"supported_types": ["id_card", "bank_statement"],
"name": {
"first_name": "",
"last_name": ""
"issue_date": "",
"full_address": "",
"address_fuzzy_match": "1",
"enhanced_address_verification": {
"document_type": "1",
"document_country": "0",
"address_validation": "1",
"address_decomposition": "0",
"calculated_distance": "1"
"address_decomposition": {
"locality" : "",
"adminitrative_area": "",
"region_code": "",
"country_code": "",
"address_lines": [],
"language_Code": "",
"postal_Code": ""