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Benefits of using Shufti Pro mobile SDK:

User-Friendly Interface: Shufti Pro's Mobile SDK offers an intuitive interface that guides users effortlessly through the process of capturing photos and videos, ensuring a seamless experience.
Flexible Integration: The SDK is designed with a modular architecture, enabling easy integration of the photo and video capture functionality into your application's workflow.
Superior Image Analysis: Shufti Pro's Mobile SDK utilizes sophisticated image analysis technology to verify that the captured images meet the high standards required for Shufti Pro's identity verification process, ensuring optimal success rates.
Effortless Image Transmission: The SDK facilitates direct transmission of images to the Shufti Pro service, streamlining the integration process and making the verification procedure more efficient.
Instantaneous Feedback Mechanism: Shufti Pro's Mobile SDK provides immediate feedback during the image capture process, allowing users to address any issues in real-time and ensuring the submission of high-quality images for verification.

SDK Platforms

  1. Android SDK
  2. iOS SDK
  3. Flutter Plugin
  4. ReactNative Package
  5. Cordova Package

Demo Application

You can install the Shufti Pro's demo application for Android and iOS platforms to see the basic verification flow using Shufti Pro.

android ios

Getting started

To use Shufti Pro's mobile SDKs, you must make some preparations

  1. Obtain authorization keys
  2. Choose required platform

Authorization Keys

To generate requests using mobile SDKs, you need to obtain the authorizations keys by following given steps here.


Shufti Pro's mobile SDKs require few in-app permissions to function correctly.

  1. Camera Permission
  2. Storage Permission
  3. Internet Permission

All the permissions are already handled in SDKs