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Journey Builder

Shufti Pro provides a user-friendly, no-code solution for creating custom verification journeys for clients. The journey builder allows for easy customisation of verification services through a smooth drag-and-drop interface. Additionally, clients can set up and preview the end user experience in real time by selecting from a variety of available KYC options, ensuring a seamless and flawless verification process for the end users.

The KYC Journey Builder consists of two parts:

  • Creation of a No-Code KYC Journey.
  • Generation of Verification URL and verifying your customer.
  1. Create a No-Code KYC journey:

    • Log in to the Shufti Pro back office > Integration > Journey Builder.
    • Click the Create New button located in the top right corner of the listing.
    • Provide a unique name for the journey.
    • Drag and drop the desired verification services into the builder.
    • Configure the settings for each service by selecting from the available options, and previewing the journey behavior in real-time.
    • Save the KYC journey template once it is set up to your satisfaction.
  2. Generation of URL link and Verifying user:

    Upon saving the KYC journey, clients can initiate user verification by:

    • Selecting the "Start Demo" option. This triggers the start of the verification process, and clients can share the verification link with the end user. The end user then proceeds to complete the verification according to the predefined journey set by the client.

    For clients desiring to host a verification page, a convenient option is available by clicking the support button. This action redirects them to the "Contact Us" section, allowing them to communicate their specific requirements to our team.

    Additionally, clients have the capability to generate an auto code for the verification journey, in multiple supported languages for seamless integration.


Calling a KYC journey via API

To use the KYC journey and verify the end-users, clients need to send an API Request with the following parameters:

journey_idRequired: Yes
Type: string
The unique ID for each KYC Journey Template.
referenceRequired: Yes
Type: string
Minimum: 6 characters
Maximum: 250 characters
Each request has a unique Reference ID which is sent back to Client against each response. The Client can use the Reference ID to check status of each verification.
emailRequired: No
Type: string
Minimum: 6 characters
Maximum: 128 characters
This field represents the email address of the end-user.


Please ensure that you have properly copied the correct journey_id from the KYC journey listed on the KYC Journey Builder Listing Page before passing the KYC Journey object in the API. Additionally, the KYC Journey must be saved with all necessary settings.

//POST / HTTP/1.1 basic auth
//Content-Type: application/json
//Authorization: Basic NmI4NmIyNzNmZjM0ZmNlMTlkNmI4WJRTUxINTJHUw==
"journey_id": "q9pDvvCx1669874968",
"reference": "1234567",
"email": "[email protected]"

Services in Journey Builder

  • Face
  • Document
  • Document two
  • Address
  • Consent
  • 2-Factor Authentication
  • AML
  • Enhanced Due Diligence
  • Electronic Identity Verification
  • Email Verification

Auto Code Generator

The Auto Code Generator allows users to automatically generate sample code for all available services, streamlining the integration process for merchants. This tool provides the necessary resources to seamlessly incorporate Shufti Pro into various operations, whether for onsite or offsite verification requests.

The generated code supports multiple programming languages, including HTTP, Python, PHP, Ruby, and JavaScript, enabling flexibility and ease of integration across different platforms.

Please note that the Journey Builder feature is exclusively available for Onsite mode. For both onsite & offsite verification requests, you can utilize the Auto Code Generator tool available in backoffice.