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Onsite Integration

This verification process mandates that the end user provide their full name and date of birth. Utilizing this information, Shufti Pro conducts comprehensive Anti-Money Laundering (AML) screening to validate user identity.

Parameters and Description

dobRequired: No
Type: string
Format: yyyy-mm-dd
Provide a valid date.
Example: 1990-12-31

Note: It is recommended to send DOB(Date Of Birth) for more accurate results.
nameRequired: No
Type: object
In the name object used in background checks service, first_name required and other fields are optional. Parameters for name are listed here:
Example 1: { "first_name" : "John", "last_name" : "Doe" }
Example 2: { "first_name" : "John", "middle_name" : "Carter", "last_name" : "Doe"}
Example 3: { "full_name" : "John Carter Doe"}

Note: If full name is provided with first and last name priority will be given to full name.
ongoingRequired: No
Accepted values: 0, 1
Default: 0
This Parameter is used for Ongoing AML Screening, and is allowed only on Production Accounts. If Shufti Pro detects a change in AML statuses, then we will send you a webhook with event verification.status.changed. The new AML status can be checked using get status endpoint, or from the back-office.
Note: Use fuzzy_match = 1 in the name object for better results for Ongoing AML Screening.
filtersRequired: No
Type: Array
Default: ["sanction", "warning", "fitness-probity", "pep", "pep-class-1", "pep-class-2", "pep-class-3", "pep-class-4"]

This key includes specific filter types, namely, alert or warning, that are linked to the AML search. Use these filters within the search to refine and narrow down the results. All filter types are listed here.
match_scoreRequired: No
Type: String
match_score indicates the extent to which a search should accommodate variances between the search term and the terms being matched. A value of 0 signifies a loose match, while 100 indicates an exact match.
Note: It ranges from 0-100. By default value is 100.
Example: "100".
countriesRequired: No
Type: Array
Array of countries based on which you want to filters reports. See Countries.
Note: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes are supported.
Example: ['CA','IN']
alias_searchRequired: No
Type: Boolean
Alias search is used to specify whether user want to perform search within aliases or not.
Note: The default value of alias_search is '0'.
Example: "0".
rca_searchRequired: No
Type: Boolean
RCA search is used to specify whether user want to perform search within rca or not.
Note: The default value of rca_search is '0'.
Example: "0".

Run in Postman


//POST / HTTP/1.1 basic auth
//Content-Type: application/json
//Authorization: Basic NmI4NmIyNzNmZjM0ZmNlMTlkNmI4WJRTUxINTJHUw==

"background_checks": {
"alias_search": "0",
"rca_search": "0",
"ongoing": "0",
"match_score": "100",
"countries": ["pk", "cy"],
"name": {
"first_name": "",
"middle_name": "",
"last_name": ""
"dob": "",
"filters": ["sanction", "warning", "fitness-probity", "pep", "pep-class-1", "pep-class-2", "pep-class-3", "pep-class-4"]


OCR for name recognition in AML checks is exclusively conducted when utilized with services that incorporate OCR functionality, such as Document Verification, Document Two Verification, and Address Verification.