Declined Reasons
When a verification request involving Facial Biometrics service is declined, the following reasons are presented to the end user or client.
Status Code | Description |
SPDR01 | Face could not be verified. |
SPDR03 | Image is altered or photoshopped. |
SPDR04 | Copy of the image found on web. |
SPDR19 | Face could not be detected in image, please upload image again with your face clearly visible. |
SPDR37 | Face liveness detection failed. |
SPDR40 | The answer to the question is incorrect. |
SPDR43 | Camera is not accessible for verification. |
SPDR58 | Face in the image is with wearing glasses. |
SPDR59 | Face proof is taken from another screen. |
SPDR60 | Face proof is taken from internet. |
SPDR61 | More than one face in one image. |
SPDR62 | Face proof is a screenshot. |
SPDR96 | Face is not visible due to low lighting. |
SPDR97 | Face image is blurry. |
SPDR98 | Face image is cropped or edited. |
SPDR99 | Face is not found on the document. |
SPDR101 | Face is hidden on the document. |
SPDR109 | Uploaded image is found on the internet. |
SPDR144 | Hat or mask is found on the face. |
SPDR168 | Face is not detected in the uploaded image. |
SPDR218 | Face proof is edited using filters. |
SPDR219 | The uploaded face picture is blur and not clearly visible. |
SPDR231 | The face picture on the provided document is not clearly visible. |
SPDR233 | Face proof has a solid color in the background. |
SPDR241 | The verification process was canceled by the user. |
SPDR249 | Front or backside proof is not provided. |
SPDR251 | Document front proof is not provided. |
SPDR252 | Proof and additional proof are of same side of the document. |
SPDR261 | MRZ Number on the document does not match. |
SPDR262 | Data is hidden on the provided document. |
SPDR263 | Uploaded image of the document is pixelated. |
SPDR264 | Face image is not present on the document. |
SPDR265 | Invalid cpf number provided. |
SPDR268 | The provided image is corrupted. |
SPDR274 | End user did not submit complete verification proofs or data. |
SPDR276 | The user does not want to share camera or documents. |
SPDR277 | Closed eyes are detected. |
SPDR278 | Face proof is altered or photoshopped. |
SPDR279 | Face proof is blur and not clear for verification. |
SPDR280 | Eyes not visible and are covered with glasses. |
SPDR281 | Multiple faces detected in face proof. |
SPDR282 | Uploaded document is a test ID. |
SPDR283 | Face could not be detected. |
SPDR284 | The complete verification data was not provided by the user. |
SPDR287 | Duplicate account is detected. |
SPDR291 | Entire Face is not clear in the provided face proof. |