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Config Object Parameters

In this object, we add an extra configuration of verification that the user wants.

open_webviewRequired: No
Type: boolean
Accepted Values: true, false
This is a boolean type parameter that determines whether to run or terminate the hybrid view (Webview). However, its default value is set as false.
asyncRequestRequired: No
Type: boolean
Accepted Values: true, false
If the value of this parameter is set to True, the client will get control back and don't have to wait for verification results. However, when the request completes an automated callback is generated.
captureEnabledRequired: No
Type: boolean
Accepted Values: true, false
This parameter identifies whether the client wants to open the camera in Iframe or not. If the value is set to true the camera will open and vice versa.
dark_modeRequired: No
Type: boolean
Accepted Values: true, false
This parameter, if set to "true", enables the dark mode of the SDK.
video_kycRequired: No
Type: boolean
Accepted Values: true, false
If set to "true", this parameter enables video KYC service inside SDK, and users can verify identity through video calls with the Shufti Pro agent.
base_urlRequired: No
Type: String
Accepted Values:,
This parameter is utilized to modify the base URL of the mobile SDK, enabling users to utilize the US region endpoint.
consent_ageRequired: No
Type: Integer
Accepted Values: 13 - 100
This parameter is employed to establish the user consent age within the consent screen, allowing merchants to customize it according to their preferences.