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Onsite Integration

In onsite verification, Shufti Pro will directly interact with the end user to collect the required documents for verification purposes.


The Investor Verification service is available for Onsite only and before passing the kyi object in the API, please make sure that you have copied the correct UUID from the KYI Section listed in Products Section and the KYI-Model must be active as well.

Parameters and Description

uuidRequired: Yes
Type: array
Example 1: ["example_uuid_1"]
Example 2: ["example_uuid_1","example_uuid_2"]
The UUID parameter is an array that takes one or multiple UUIDs (max five) in the array to execute the KYI service for your end users.
questionnaire_typeRequired: No
Type: string
Accepted Values: pre_kyc, post_kyc
Default-Value: pre_kyc
The questionnaire type parameters tell whether you want to execute the KYI for your end-users before KYC ("pre_kyc") or after KYC ("post_kyc").
kyi_requestRequired: No
Type: Boolean
Accepted Values: true, false
Default-Value: false
The kyi request parameters represents whether you want to execute the KYI verification for your end-users or simple questionnaire.

Run in Postman

"kyi": {
"questionnaire_type": "pre_kyc",
"uuid": ["TZJAEG", "XYZABC"],
"kyi_request": true