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Fetching Request Status

The ShuftiPro Web SDK provides a method for tracking the status of a verification request. fetchRequestStatus() method allows you to retrieve the current status of a specific verification request by its reference ID. Upon receiving the status response, we can handle it accordingly within the provided callback function.

shuftiPro.fetchRequestStatus(reference, (response) => {
console.log('Verification status:', response);


referenceRequired: Yes
Type: String
The unique reference ID of the verification request you want to check.
callbackRequired: Yes
A callback function to handle the status.

Response Events

Some of response events are following:

request.unauthorizedThe auth header is not correct and, client id/secret key may be invalid.
request.pendingThis event is returned for all on-site verifications until the verification is completed or timeout.
verification.acceptedVerification accepted callback.
verification.declinedVerification declined callback.
verification.cancelledThis callback is returned when verification is cancelled midway by the end user.
request.receivedThis event states that the verification request has been received and is under processing.
request.timeoutThis will occur if request has timed-out.

You can check complete response of Shufti Pro from here