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Rate Limiting & Webhook IPs

Rate Limiting

Shufti Pro imposes request limits for both Production and Trial accounts to ensure smooth operation and fair usage of the service. Below are the specified limits for each type of account:

  • Production Account
    For Production accounts, Shufti Pro allows a maximum of 120 requests per minute. This limit applies per IP address, enabling efficient verification processes while maintaining system stability.

  • Trial Account
    For Trial accounts, Shufti Pro permits a maximum of 20 requests per minute. Similar to Production accounts, this limit is enforced only on trial accounts.


Please note that the rate limit mentioned is subject to change. If you require a different rate limit or have specific needs, please contact our Tech Support Team at [email protected] to discuss the possibility of adjusting the rate limit for your account.

Webhook IPs

To receive real-time notifications and updates, you should utilize the following IPs. These IPs represent the servers used by Shufti Pro for webhook requests, ensuring seamless integration and timely access to essential information.

  • Europe:
  • United States:

It is essential to configure your system's security settings to allow access from the specified IP addresses mentioned above. By whitelisting these IPs, you enable your system to receive real-time updates and notifications seamlessly.