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Shufti Pro’s Standard KYB API response parameters define the types of data returned, like registration details, financial metrics, filings, and contacts. These structured outputs help easily interpret business information for compliance tasks.

company_nameType: string
The legal name of the Company.
company_numberType: string
The identifier is given to the company by the company register.
company_jurisdiction_codeType: string
The code for the jurisdiction in which the company is incorporated.
company_incorporation_dateType: string
The date the company was incorporated on.
company_dissolution_dateType: string
The date the company was dissolved (if so).
company_typeType: string
The type of company (e.g. LLC, Private Limited Company, GBMH).
company_registry_urlType: string
The URL of the company page in the company register. Note, not all company registers provide persistent URLs for the companies in the register.
company_branchType: string
A flag to indicate if a company is a 'branch'. If the flag is 'F' it indicates that the entry in the company register relates to an out-of-jurisdiction company (sometimes called a 'foreign corporation' in the US). If it is 'L' it is a local office of a company (few company registers collect this information). If it is a null value, it means either the company is not a branch, or the company register does not make the information available.
company_branch_statusType: string
A descriptive text version of the 'branch' flag.
company_inactiveType: boolean
Filter by inactive status (boolean). This replaces the exclude_inactive filter from previous versions. If ‘true’ is supplied, it will be restricted to inactive companies. If ‘false’ is supplied, it will exclude inactive companies. If no value is supplied it will not filter by inactive status.
company_current_statusType: string
The current status of the company, as defined by the company register.
company_sourceType: object
The source(s) from which we gather company data.
Parameters: publisher, url, terms and retrieved_at.
company_agent_nameType: string
The name of the individual who manages the company affairs on behalf of the company.
company_agent_addressType: string
Specific person’s address.
company_alternative_namesType: array
Other operating name(s) of the company if any.
Parameters: company_name, type and language.
company_previous_namesType: array
Old name of that firm/company (if any).
company_number_of_employeesType: string
No of employees working for the company.
native_company_numberType: string
Country number (Similar to ID number).
company_alternate_registration_entitiesType: array
Other areas of registration (includes partnership types).
company_previous_registration_entitiesType: array
Previous registration entity type (e.g. partnership, sole traders etc.).
company_subsequent_registration_entitiesType: array
If closed then further or new entity type of partnership.
company_registered_address_in_fullType: string
Address where the company is registered
company_industry_codesType: array
Type of industry it is working in (Tech, Manufacturing, etc.)
Parameters: code, description, code_scheme_id and code_scheme_name.
company_identifiersType: array
This is similar to company registration number.
company_trademark_registrationsType: array
Any patent or trademark registered or filled by company.
company_registered_addressType: object
Address where company is registered.
Parameters: street_address, locality, region, postal_code and country.
company_corporate_groupingsType: array
Corporate umbrella(Parent company to child company tree)
company_dataType: array
Information related company filled or posted.
Parameters: title, data_type and description.
company_financial_summaryType: string
Statement of Financial position.
home_companyType: object
Main parent company or Ultimate parent company.
Parameters: name, jurisdiction_code, company_number and reference_url.
company_controlling_entityType: object
Owner, Beneficiary ,CEO or anyone with decision making powers.
Parameters: name, jurisdiction_code, company_number and reference_url.
company_ultimate_beneficial_ownersType: array
Owner, Beneficiary or anyone benefiting from revenues of company.
company_filingsType: array
Parameters: title, date and reference_url.
company_officersType: array
Any significant officers such as agent, director, CEO, CTO.
Parameters: name, position, start_date, end_date, occupation, inactive, current_status and address.


In the case of a company search, it will return an array of objects with the same parameters if multiple companies are found; otherwise, it will return a single object with company information.

"reference": "sp-bc-demo-U3cl95qO",
"event": "verification.accepted",
"email": null,
"country": null,
"verification_data": {
"kyb": [
"company_number": "11039567",
"company_type": "Private Limited Company",
"company_source": {
"publisher": "UK Companies House",
"url": "",
"terms": "UK Crown Copyright",
"retrieved_at": "2019-10-31T08:50:01+00:00"
"native_company_number": null,
"company_industry_codes": [
"code": "62.01/2",
"description": "Business and domestic software development",
"code_scheme_id": "uk_sic_2007",
"code_scheme_name": "UK SIC Classification 2007"
"code": "63.11",
"description": "Data processing, hosting and related activities",
"code_scheme_id": "uk_sic_2007",
"code_scheme_name": "UK SIC Classification 2007"
"code": "62.01",
"description": "Computer programming activities",
"code_scheme_id": "eu_nace_2",
"code_scheme_name": "European Community NACE Rev 2"
"code": "6201",
"description": "Computer programming activities",
"code_scheme_id": "isic_4",
"code_scheme_name": "UN ISIC Rev 4"
"code": "63.11",
"description": "Data processing, hosting and related activities",
"code_scheme_id": "eu_nace_2",
"code_scheme_name": "European Community NACE Rev 2"
"code": "6311",
"description": "Data processing, hosting and related activities",
"code_scheme_id": "isic_4",
"code_scheme_name": "UN ISIC Rev 4"
"company_trademark_registrations": [],
"company_corporate_groupings": [],
"company_data": [],
"home_company": null,
"company_ultimate_beneficial_owners": [
"name": "Mr. Carl Victor Gregor Fredung Neschko"
"company_filings": [
"title": "Confirmation Statement",
"date": "2019-10-30",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Annual Accounts",
"date": "2019-07-19",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Change of registered office address",
"date": "2019-06-04",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Change of registered office address",
"date": "2019-04-02",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Change of secretary's details",
"date": "2018-11-26",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Give notice of individual person with significant control",
"date": "2018-11-13",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Give notice of update to PSC statements",
"date": "2018-11-13",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Confirmation Statement",
"date": "2018-11-12",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Termination of appointment of director ",
"date": "2018-11-12",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Appointment of director",
"date": "2018-11-12",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Return of allotment of shares",
"date": "2018-11-03",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Appointment of secretary",
"date": "2018-10-26",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "New incorporation documents",
"date": "2017-10-31",
"reference_url": ""
"company_officers": [
"position": "director",
"start_date": "2017-10-31",
"end_date": "2018-11-02",
"occupation": "COMPANY DIRECTOR",
"inactive": true,
"current_status": null,
"address": null
"position": "secretary",
"start_date": "2018-10-25",
"end_date": null,
"occupation": null,
"inactive": false,
"current_status": null,
"address": null
"position": "director",
"start_date": "2018-10-30",
"end_date": null,
"occupation": "BUSINESSMAN",
"inactive": false,
"current_status": null,
"address": null
"company_name": "SHUFTI PRO LIMITED",
"company_jurisdiction_code": "gb",
"company_incorporation_date": "2017-10-31",
"company_dissolution_date": null,
"company_registry_url": "",
"company_branch": null,
"company_branch_status": null,
"company_registered_address_in_full": "35 Little Russell Street, Holborn, London, WC1A 2HH",
"company_inactive": false,
"company_current_status": "Active",
"company_agent_name": null,
"company_agent_address": null,
"company_alternative_names": [],
"company_previous_names": [],
"company_number_of_employees": null,
"company_alternate_registration_entities": [],
"company_previous_registration_entities": [],
"company_subsequent_registration_entities": [],
"company_identifiers": [],
"company_registered_address": {
"street_address": "35 Little Russell Street, Holborn",
"locality": "London",
"region": null,
"postal_code": "WC1A 2HH",
"country": "England"
"company_financial_summary": null,
"company_controlling_entity": null
"company_number": "11039567",
"company_type": "Private Limited Company",
"company_source": {
"publisher": "UK Companies House",
"url": "",
"terms": "UK Crown Copyright",
"retrieved_at": "2019-10-31T08:50:01+00:00"
"native_company_number": null,
"company_industry_codes": [
"code": "62.01/2",
"description": "Business and domestic software development",
"code_scheme_id": "uk_sic_2007",
"code_scheme_name": "UK SIC Classification 2007"
"code": "63.11",
"description": "Data processing, hosting and related activities",
"code_scheme_id": "uk_sic_2007",
"code_scheme_name": "UK SIC Classification 2007"
"code": "62.01",
"description": "Computer programming activities",
"code_scheme_id": "eu_nace_2",
"code_scheme_name": "European Community NACE Rev 2"
"code": "6201",
"description": "Computer programming activities",
"code_scheme_id": "isic_4",
"code_scheme_name": "UN ISIC Rev 4"
"code": "63.11",
"description": "Data processing, hosting and related activities",
"code_scheme_id": "eu_nace_2",
"code_scheme_name": "European Community NACE Rev 2"
"code": "6311",
"description": "Data processing, hosting and related activities",
"code_scheme_id": "isic_4",
"code_scheme_name": "UN ISIC Rev 4"
"company_trademark_registrations": [],
"company_corporate_groupings": [],
"company_data": [],
"home_company": null,
"company_ultimate_beneficial_owners": [
"name": "Mr. Carl Victor Gregor Fredung Neschko"
"company_filings": [
"title": "Confirmation Statement",
"date": "2019-10-30",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Annual Accounts",
"date": "2019-07-19",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Change of registered office address",
"date": "2019-06-04",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Change of registered office address",
"date": "2019-04-02",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Change of secretary's details",
"date": "2018-11-26",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Give notice of individual person with significant control",
"date": "2018-11-13",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Give notice of update to PSC statements",
"date": "2018-11-13",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Confirmation Statement",
"date": "2018-11-12",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Termination of appointment of director ",
"date": "2018-11-12",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Appointment of director",
"date": "2018-11-12",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Return of allotment of shares",
"date": "2018-11-03",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "Appointment of secretary",
"date": "2018-10-26",
"reference_url": ""
"title": "New incorporation documents",
"date": "2017-10-31",
"reference_url": ""
"company_officers": [
"position": "director",
"start_date": "2017-10-31",
"end_date": "2018-11-02",
"occupation": "COMPANY DIRECTOR",
"inactive": true,
"current_status": null,
"address": null
"position": "secretary",
"start_date": "2018-10-25",
"end_date": null,
"occupation": null,
"inactive": false,
"current_status": null,
"address": null
"position": "director",
"start_date": "2018-10-30",
"end_date": null,
"occupation": "BUSINESSMAN",
"inactive": false,
"current_status": null,
"address": null
"company_name": "SHUFTI PRO LIMITED",
"company_jurisdiction_code": "gb",
"company_incorporation_date": "2017-10-31",
"company_dissolution_date": null,
"company_registry_url": "",
"company_branch": null,
"company_branch_status": null,
"company_registered_address_in_full": "35 Little Russell Street, Holborn, London, WC1A 2HH",
"company_inactive": false,
"company_current_status": "Active",
"company_agent_name": null,
"company_agent_address": null,
"company_alternative_names": [],
"company_previous_names": [],
"company_number_of_employees": null,
"company_alternate_registration_entities": [],
"company_previous_registration_entities": [],
"company_subsequent_registration_entities": [],
"company_identifiers": [],
"company_registered_address": {
"street_address": "35 Little Russell Street, Holborn",
"locality": "London",
"region": null,
"postal_code": "WC1A 2HH",
"country": "England"
"company_financial_summary": null,
"company_controlling_entity": null
"verification_result": {
"kyb_service": 1
"info": {
"agent": {
"is_desktop": true,
"is_phone": false,
"useragent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.70 Safari/537.36",
"device_name": "Macintosh",
"browser_name": "",
"platform_name": "OS X - 10_14_4"
"geolocation": {
"host": "",
"ip": "",
"rdns": "",
"asn": "",
"isp": "",
"country_name": "",
"country_code": "",
"region_name": "",
"region_code": "",
"city": "",
"postal_code": "",
"continent_name": "",
"continent_code": "",
"latitude": "",
"longitude": "",
"metro_code": "",
"timezone": ""