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Trigger verification Journey

This API triggers verification for a given customer (customer_id) with the provided verification journey (journey_id).

API Endpoint

Authorization Keys

To generate requests using mobile SDKs, you need to obtain the authorizations keys by following the given steps here.

Request Parameters

journey_idRequired: Yes
Type: String

The unique identifier of the verification journey you want to associate with the user. This ID is typically obtained from your ShuftiPro back office platform where you define the verification steps for each journey.
customer_idRequired: Yes
Type: String
The unique identifier of the user within your application. This ID is likely generated by your application upon user registration.
referenceRequired: No
Type: String
Each request is assigned a unique reference ID, will be generated if not provided.

Request payload

"journey_id" : "ULMTCqye1719840116",
"customer_id" : "testingCustomer595",
// optional
"reference" : "12345678"

Response parameters

errorType: Bool
If the association fails, ShuftiPro will return error bool as true, else false.
messageType: String
If the association is successful, ShuftiPro might return a success response message.