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Single Sign-On (SSO)

Shufti Pro enables secure authentication for clients across multiple applications and websites using a single set of credentials.

  1. Navigate to BackOffice Settings > Security > SAML Authentication
  2. Here you can configure Single Sign-On (SSO) settings by adding your SSO URL, Identity Provider URL, and Public certificate.
  3. Gain control over SSO functionality with the option to enable or disable it according to your preferences.

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication method designed to streamline sign-in requirements and team member access to the back office. Shufti Pro's SSO service seamlessly integrates with leading providers such as:

  • Google
  • OKTA
  • OneLogin
  • Azure

Leveraging Shufti Pro's SSO service allows organisations to elevate the efficiency and security of their authentication processes, providing an improved user experience for employees.

SSO Login Configuration Settings:

Fill in the following required fields

  • Identity Provider URL
  • Public Certificate
  • Identifier (Entity ID)
  • Assertion Consumer Service URL
  • Sign-on URL

Secondary Users SSO Settings:

Shufti Pro empowers clients to efficiently manage Single Sign-On (SSO) for their secondary users. By enabling the checkbox, clients can implement restrictions to prevent secondary users from logging in using their individual credentials when SSO is enabled.


Data Retention

Shufti Pro acknowledges the significance of data retention and introduces a tailored Data Retention Policy feature for its clients. This feature empowers clients to define their preferred data retention period, providing complete control over the duration of their stored information. By allowing clients to customise the data retention period, the feature eliminates the need for contacting support, saving valuable time and effort.

  1. Navigate to > Settings > Data Retention Policy.
  2. Select the preferred data retention period and Save.

Options for Selection of Data Retention Period:

  • 2 years (Default) - Verification data (proofs and PII data) will be retained for a period of 2 years by default.
  • Never Delete Verification Data - Verification data will be preserved indefinitely and will not be automatically deleted.
  • Delete Verifications Data Instantly - Verification data (proofs and PII data) will be promptly deleted without retention.
  • Custom Period - Users can set a personalized period, aligning with their specific data retention requirements.

To know more, explore Shufti Pro Privacy Policy.


Document Verification Settings

Shufti Pro allows their clients to customise which document to accept or decline based on their business requirements directly from back office.

Follow these steps to customise document originality settings:

  1. Navigate to > back office settings > Document Verification Settings.
  2. Here you can change what kind of documents you want to accept or decline and what actions to take in case of modified metadata of the document.

Document Authenticity Settings

The document Authenticity Settings feature is designed to offer Merchants maximum flexibility in tailoring document verification processes. Aimed at industries with softer KYC (Know Your Customer) requirements, it facilitates a smoother user onboarding experience and can significantly elevate conversion rates. By default, our system restricts the acceptance of certain document types, such as cropped, scanned, color copies, and laminated documents, among others. However, recognizing the varied documentation scenarios users may face, we've made it possible to adjust settings to accept a broader array of document types. This adaptation allows businesses to accommodate a wider audience, addressing various document conditions and formats, and ensuring a more inclusive, efficient verification process.

The available document format/conditions include:

  • Cropped Documents: Accept documents that have been trimmed or have missing edges.
  • Scanned Documents: Allow digital copy of any document produced using a scanner.
  • Color Copies: A paper-based printed colored copy of a document.
  • Laminated Documents: Include documents sealed within a protective film of plastic.
  • E-Documents: An official electronic document that can be saved and printed e.g. Nigerian E-Documents.
  • Screenshots: Permit the screenshot of a digital copy of an original document.
  • Paper-Based Documents: Accept paper-based government-issued documents e.g. old Italian documents.
  • Black and White Copies: Allow documents photocopied or printed in black and white.
  • Broken Documents: Allow broken documents with a visible crack on them.
  • Handwritten Documents: Allow paper-based handwritten identity documents e.g. Srilankan handwritten Documents.

Shufti Pro also allows clients to change authenticity settings through API. Explore Document Authenticity Parameters here.


Document Properties Settings

Shufti Pro allows its client to make customised decisions on verifications with inconsistent creation/modification dates in document properties (metadata)

Clients can choose from the following options:

  • No change: Choose not to modify the verification process based on the metadata inconsistency.
  • Decline: Decline the verifications with different Creation and Modification dates extracted from the proof/document's property (metadata).
  • Manual Review: Take manual decisions on the verifications with different Creation and Modification dates extracted from the proof/document's property (metadata).